вторник, 26 март 2013 г.

The Devil's bridge in Bulgaria

This is The Devil’s Bridge in Bulgaria. It was built more than 500 years ago and even though it has not undergone a single renovation it is still in the same condition as when it was first constructed.

Legend says that the Devil himself took part in the construction of this bridge. During the middle ages, the Arda river was extremely wild and turbulent. Many had tried to connect the two banks of the river, but they all failed. Until a determined and ambitious young man appeared.

He decided to build a bridge across the river no matter what it could cost him. Suddenly, the Devil appeared before him and promised to reveal the secret of how to make a bridge that would last forever. The Devil demanded from the builder to incorporate his demonic face in the bridge in a way that would be visible and invisible at the same time. The young man had 40 days to accomplish this task. If he failed to do so, the Devil would take his soul to Hell.

Surprisingly, the builder managed to do what Devil told him to do before the deadline. However, he died soon after and the secret technique the man used to construct the bridge was never revealed. The bridge still stands exactly as it was 500 years ago and if you look closer, you will notice the ominous appearance of Satan.

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